Friday, January 14, 2011

Boloni: "Ronaldo creative collective Gourcuff»

New coach of Liverpool FC since the beginning of January, Laszlo Boloni is a very experienced coach with his experiences in many countries. Returning to France, land of his debut as coach in early 1990, the Romanian engineer took advantage of his passes at Sporting Lisbon and Rennes to have under his control two of the most promising players of their generation: Cristiano Ronaldo and Yoann Gourcuff.

At a time when Portugal stacks the goals, the French hardly find a second wind in his career after a sudden outbreak in Bordeaux. Bölöni for the comparison between the two remains difficult. "So there, I can tell you, since it is I who started the two. They are two totally different players: Ronaldo expressed individually, is a creative.

While Gourcuff is at the service of the collective, "said the Romanian in the columns of A World of Lyon, before moving on Yoann Gourcuff capacity to bounce back after bad pass. "His true position is middle runner, between 8 and 10. He can play 6 because it is able to work, but his lack of speed is not a problem.

You think that Zidane was fast? No, Yoann can play 10 as well (...). He is not shy, he does not only manifest itself in the role of Zorro. But I am sure he will bounce back because it is a true Breton, capable of suffering, to collect hard knocks. It is also a player who thinks and who is looking for explanations to the problems, "assured Boloni, who knows that the Lyon midfielder trying to find his best level in nearly a year now.

It begins to long.

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