Thursday, January 13, 2011

Messi fight with girlfriend jumps idea wedding

BUENOS AIRES, Jan. 13 - "Now he has no girlfriend. He had one, but we had a fight. " We assure you today Cuccitini Anthony, the grandfather of Lionel Messi, in obvious reference to Antonella Roccuzzo, the 22 year old girl who knows the Rosary champion since childhood and with whom, according to gossip, he was even to get married 's last year.

"Better so," ruled the grandfather asked today about radio broadcaster Rosario 'A Diario'. He added: "Lionel is very young and I always tell them to have fun, good and healthy way. Going to walk around in the car with some friends and you do not hurry. " So, to resume his grandfather Messi is preferable to living single.

The grounds of the quarrel with Antonio but did not say anything. DISCLAIMS THE FLEA - "What came out in the press is not true. People can comment and say what they want. " Lionel Messi said on Wednesday during a press conference in Madrid, held as part of a promotional event for Adidas, in reference to an interview given by his grandfather Antonio Cicuttin in Rosario, Argentina, according to which the 'flea' he broke up with his girlfriend Antonella Roccuzzo.

With regard to the controversy and complaints raised in Spain from the allocation of another 'Ballon d'Or after that of last year', Messi said: "I do not care what they say. My peers respect me and my people, I have complimented and this is the most important thing. "He added:" We know the relationship we have between us, we're good together and we must not give explanations to anyone " .

Messi, finally, he talked about his coach: "Verily it is hard for me to Barcelona without a Pep Guardiola. Without him I do not know what would be," he said.

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