Friday, January 14, 2011

Buffon: "What a thrill to go play!"

TURIN, January 13 - "Beautiful, beautiful emotion. For those who have won a World Cup and made the final of Champions Cup match Italy simply can have very significant implications. " So Gigi Buffon's microphone Rai Sport after Juventus-Catania, Italy Challenge Cup knockout that marked the comeback of Juventus goalkeeper after seven months.

"Many have said" What the hell did you stay at Juventus in the last five years, you could go somewhere else and win. " It is probably true, but I have to thank these fans for the affection. " After the victory of Juventus, Buffon went under the curves of both typhoid and launched the black and white gloves, shorts and jersey into the stands.

For the sole intervention of very tough match, made a detour in the final corner on a strong, angled shot of fish, Gigi said: "It's a parade that I do, otherwise we stop playing ... It served to show that I had fully recovered. "

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