Sunday, April 10, 2011

Donadoni: "My Cagliari ready for the final push"

CAGLIARI, April 9 - Cagliari wants to believe until the end. The match against Brescia tomorrow is the latest train to Europe League, that dream seemed gone after the ko with Udinese and Napoli, but then became hope by winning last Sunday at home to Genoa. To obtain a pass to the international challenges, however, we still want many victories.

And many defeats of the direct competitors are ahead in the standings. Sent off to the young, then, given that there is still something at stake. And the company ready to build big, difficult but still mathematically possible, missing since the days of Mazzone. "It will be crucial - said Donadoni in the usual press conference ahead of the competition with Brescia - the interpretation of the game.

We work on ourselves to be concentrated at the most. We are ready for the final rush, and when it comes to motivation, I think that already tomorrow's race is important to understand who will be part of the project Cagliari. One stimulus is related to the results of the last home match, almost a month ago, over four to zero for Udinese.

Supporters rossoblù who had attended that game will help free the race with the swallows, a sort of compensation for the company's award-behavior in the stands (applause until the end to Cagliari and opponents), despite the debacle sound home. Nene still absent, Donadoni is ready to dust off that 'Christmas tree "that seems to have become a proven and effective solution: before Acquafresca, the line between the midfielders and tip, Cossu and one of two of Lazzari and Missiroli.

In the midst of Conti, from suspension, will resume its traditional position in front of the defense, and Biondini Nainggolan sides. Behind the only doubt is the ballot-Pisano Perico: the first seems to be favored.

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